Job Seeker - FAQ

1.  Do I need to register to search for jobs? No, you dont have to register to search for jobs but you have to register and sign in before you can apply for jobs.

Employer - FAQ

1. Do I need to register and login to post jobs and review job candidate profiles?  Yes, you have to Sign up and Login before you can post jobs and review job candidate profiles.

2. What are the benefits of posting featured jobs and becoming a featured employer? Posting job as a featured job gives more visibility to the job become it is dsiplayed on the Excellot main page and also gives prominence to your featured job on our mobile application thus attracting more job seekers to view the featured job. Becoming a featured employer allows your company name and logo to be dsiplayed on the Excellot main page and also gives prominence to your company on our mobile application thus attracting more job seekers to noticed your company.



Training - FAQ

1. Are Webinar free or have a fee? Some webinar are free while some are not. 

Frequently Asked Question (FAQ) 

360 Training, Coaching, Training and Online Courses 

Job hunt, Job Search, Snag a job and Job lot

Employer post a job, Employment and Career

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